Tuesday, September 20, 2016

"The Six Attitudes of High Achievers"

John R. Noe

  1. Make No Small Plans: what it means to make no small plans is to have very high goals and set yourself up for greater things and not just average. This also means to be an over achiever and not just settle for the minimum, but actually work hard for what you want to accomplish. Noe once said "If we dedicate ourselves over and over again to the goal of climbing one peak to the next...resisting the urge to become discouraged by the task-every one of us can become a high achiever." and what this means is to truly have high standards in life and to never go lower. An example would be a woman that has her parents telling her to at least go to a community college but she knows that her grades are good so she applies to a UC.
  2. Do What They Fear: To do what others fear is to be daring and to not let anyone's fear stop you from your own work. Another definition would be to stand out and to volunteer yourself for greatness and finding a strength in others weaknesses. as Noe once said "The key to all motivation is desire, and the master key to creating desire is responsiveness to the needs, desires, and interests of the people you would lead." what this quote means is that others will follow you and respect you because of the power you had doing something others cant and wont do. An example would be that a man goes in a cave where everyone is afraid to enter and you make it out, you now have respect and power because of the daring situation.

  3. Are Willing to Risk Failure: what it means to risk failure is to make moves to ensure future success but by doing so you know the risks of doing so. Taking the risk anyway is the first step of risking a chance of failure however going for the success and not backing down when hearing or facing a challenge. As Maimonides once said "the risk of a wrong decision is preferable to the terror of indecision" and what this means is to make a decision even if you know there might be a bad effect but still try anyway or you'll regret not making a decision at all. an example would be a man at a donut shop and he sees something he wants but he doesn't want to stop so he keeps running but later he regrets not being able to stop and buy a donut so he should have gotten it instead of not doing anything.
  4. Are Teachable: what it means to be teachable is to let yourself be consumed by knowledge and not laziness. Being teachable means being able to learn and let yourself learn not only your surrounding but necessities as well. Not everyone knows everything so there is a need to learn and to help others learn because if you do not let yourself learn then you stay ignorant and make bad decisions. As Solomon Short said "half of being smart is to know what you are dumb about." and what this means to work on what you do not know and that means you have another domain to explore. An example of being teachable is a person who does not know a certain topic on the assignment and he is willing to ask for help so that he may learn the subject and master it.
  5. Have Heart: to have heart one must first be able to give themselves up for a good cause and to let yourself be consumed by good. to have heart you must be willing to do the impossible and to believe that there still is a chance for change, no matter the situation. having heart is a way to stay positive and be willing to tell the truth always even if the consequences are not good. as Leonardo da Vinci once said "Tears come from the heart and not the brain." what this means is that emotions are heart and not the mind so many things are accomplished with heart. An example of having heart is a man telling his whole family the truth instead of letting them find out that he had done something bad.
Final Reflection: What i think of the 6 ways to become a high achiever is that this really does prepare you psychologically and will help find new ways to achieve greatness. I will commit to doing all of these 6 attitudes by creating a plan not small at all for my future, having courage to face my fears and step up from everyone to do a task, prepare for whatever may come my way, go do what i need to regardless of what i think the outcome will be, willing to let myself be taught, and have a heart that is willing to accept any challenge.

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