Monday, December 5, 2016

The 10 Keys to Personal Power

Key 1: Clarity        

"have vision. determine what you want to be, do or have in life. Have a sense of direction and know where you're going. If you do not have clear specific goals in life, you are doomed forever to work for others who do."

What this means is to have a clear mind and have a plan for yourself for the future or you  will end up losing in life and more so working for those who do succeed. Having a goal in life should be motivation and it should be clear what you want, you should know what you will do or at least try to do, to have clarity one must start with a plan and then must chase that dream no matter how hard it may get. For example a man has a plan for his future and hen can see what he wants clearly in his head and he will be more successful in life that the person that does not make a plan.

Key 2: Competence

"If you commit to excellence, opportunities will come your way. The harder you work, the better you get."

What this is telling you is that hard work work really pays off and will lead you to a better path as you continue to work harder. the key is to work tom your full potential and to be dedicated in what you want to do. to have competence one must first have a goal in mind then the person must strive to reach this goal and work extremely hard to get to that goal, if no hard work is done then the goal really doesn't mean anything and you have failed to be competent. An example would be a someone that has a dream and he really wanted to make that dream a reality, he works towards that dream and as he works harder he ends up with his dream and more because of how hard they worked.

Key 3: Concentration

"Make the best use of your time. Ask yourself "is this the best use of my time?" before you start anything."

What this means is that you must focus on what you want to do and completely put your mind to that, its about dedication to what you want to do and you must be willing to sacrifice to keep your eyes on the prize. It takes great skill to make time for what you want to do but you must always stay focused on your goal because if you get sidetracked you will fall form your position that you wanted to be in. A great example would be a person that is always getting distracted and he set himself u-p to fail but he then got his things together and is now focusing on his goal and will be successful because of his focus and concentration.

Key 4: Common Sense

  • train mind
  • think things through
  • listen to your intuition
  • learn from setbacks
What this means is that you must use your knowledge to your conscience and really just make sense of everything. Having common sense is a a good thing and the easy things can really be interpreted using common sense, this is what separates us from right and wrong. common sense helps us make sense of the world and make everything much clearer. to have common sense you must first have a clear mind distant from any distractions and you must be thinking clearly and as well as knowing what the right thing is and the wrong as well but to make sure not to apply the wrong. An example of common sense is a basket of baby ducks are about to fall of a hill and you have an opportunity to save them, you obviously help them, its common sense to help if you have a chance.

Key 5: creativity

"except the fact that every human being is a genius. The hallmark of creativity is asking questions. The people who are most creative ask the most questions."

What this is telling us is that there is beauty in everyone and everything because we all posses great power and its powers that make us who we are. this is saying that asking questions is the foundation of creativity and it all starts with a "what if?" creativity is an art we all posses and we use creativity to express emotions and to tell stories, it is many things and can be a way of communication. creativity is very important because life is journey and it keeps us entertained throughout this journey. An example of creativity is a man writing a book and he doesn't want to use normal people so he uses his imagination to make humans with parts from animals and called them beasts.

Key 6: Consideration

"the quality of your relationships with other people will determine your success in life."

"develop the skills you need to become a better communicator. take courses in listening, speaking, ect."

"if you were able to learn one new word a day, within 5 years, you'll be the best educated person in history."

what this is telling us is that if you have good communication skills and you are a considerate person then you will go far in life. being considerate will make bonds and will help you achieve what you want to do in life. you must be able to consider all possible outcomes in your future and you must prepare for those possible outcomes. a good example of consideration is a man meets someone on the street and he is in need so the man before pulling out his wallet he considers all possible outcomes and looks for an escape route and so the man was considerate enough to give the person some cash.

Key 7: Consistency

"Dependable, steady predictable work is always superior to fast spurts of work."

"Be consistent in your relationships, your family, friends, your boss, your work. Be the person that people can depend upon. that if you say you'll do something you do it.."

What this is telling us is that it is good and healthy to work consistently because having fast work all of a sudden is unhealthy and could affect your work ethics. to be consistent in a relationship you must keep building bonds with people and continue that until you are successful  and have everything you want and still keep those relationships. A good example of consistency is someone that has a schedule and has a time for every activity throughout the day, he doesn't change the schedule, he keeps doing the same thing and it worked out for them because they had time for everything and didn't tamper with the formula of their schedule.

Key 8: Commitment

"No success is possible without commitment. The ability to commit yourself whole heartily is the basis of achieving all success."

"Become totally absorbed in your work. Be totally committed."

What he is telling us is that you cant go anywhere if you are not committed to go, if you feel like its a choice then you will most likely not succeed. You must feel like it is a must in order for you to succeed, to be committed means to sacrifice for something, whatever you may be committed to and just stay with that wave onto the road of success. An example of commitment is someone aiming to become a doctor, and this person thinks it would be easier to become a dentist, but he does not give up on what he want to become, instead he works harder to achieve his goal.

Key 9: Courage

"the fear of failure is the single greatest reason for failure in life."

This is really important because having courage can bring you places, sometimes unexpected places but they all work out in the end. to have courage, one must be fearless. just forget about the unknown and focus on what you do know, courage is a strength given to push the impossible, is this that gives us the ability to move forward in life. courage revolves around ones mind and thought process, this helps to do what we would normally not do. An example of courage is a warrior goes to the princesses castle because they are being attacked by a mighty dragon, he is scared to face the beast but he finds the courage to confront the beast and slay it.

Key 10: Confidence

"You only get confidence by doing things over and over again."

Confidence is extremely important because it is confidence that allows us to succeed and make great decisions in our life. confidence bring us closer to the real world, it is to want and it is ambition. We would not be anything without confidence, without confidence, we would not be in the amazing era of technology because people would to afraid to experiment or to try and fail. Only by failing will great achievements come to meet reality, most do not understand that confidence is driving us towards a better future, a more successful one too. An example of confidence would be someone that is afraid to go to the interview because she does not want to get rejected but she finds the courage to be confident in what she will accomplish in the interview and for the future, so she goes and confronts the board with massive confidence.


These 10 keys that Brian Tracy has given us can help us succeed in life and to make ourselves better humans, we all need discipline to push us to do our best. The keys that i am applying to my life right now are creativity, consistency, and common sense and they have helped me make the right decisions, because following the rules isn't always right and just thinking with your own mind and not by some book. I will incorporate the other keys in my plans for the future by having a business plan to make every right decision and once in a while take breaks for my health and family.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Free Lance

i feel exited because i'm going to go to the navy and i'm absolutely getting in and i cant wait to start, im going to do training first and i plan on joining for at least ten years and then retire, and have kids with my significant other and then ask her to marry me. i am excited to go to my lifeguard training 

Thursday, November 3, 2016

 The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Habit 1: Be Proactive

"habit 1 is the key to unlocking all the other habits and that's why it comes first. It says, "i am the captain of my life. i can choose my attitude. i am responsible for my own happiness or unhappiness. I am in the drivers seat of my destiny. not just a passenger."

To be proactive one must first love being active and to do so you must first train and it all starts with dedication to want to love being active. Being proactive doesn't necessarily mean physically active, it could also mean being a part of something like a club for your community. Being proactive can bring many benefits such as having trust in others, meeting new people, and working on your own self confidence by surrounding yourself with active people. An example would be a man having nothing to do so he gets out of his comfort zone and goes to a church to be a part of his community.

Habit 2: Begin with the end in Mind

"Control your own destiny or someone else will." (Jack Welch) "When you know where you intend to end up, you know where you are now." (Covey)

Habit 3: Put First Things First

"organize and execute around priorities."

Habit 4: Think Win-Win

"Think win-win or no deal."

Habit 5: Seek first to understand, then to be understood

"diagnose before you prescribe."

What this means is that you must understand the process and what you do or want to know then become the expert on the subject or matter. It is extremely important to understand the process and to do so you must be willing to learn and then once gone to the basics you can advance and apply this new knowledge, you must understand everything and not just certain parts but how and why. The end step would be to become an expert which means you took the time to understand the process and the actual subject at hand. An example would be a student wanting to become a doctor however he must first understand the process and must want to learn more on the subject, so then he learns and studies and then he understood how to heal so he became a doctor.

Habit 6: Synergize 

"The whole is a greater than the sum of its parts (1+1=3)"

what this means is that it is a strategy in a way to get others to participate and to cooperate in such a way that everyone is in and is comfortable. This is truly working together as a group it is complete and has a work flow like no other, it is a way that others can work to there full capability and lead others. This word is like unity where everyone is on the same page and they are all working together to accomplish something. An example would be a group of friends are working on a project and they all know each other so they work more comfortably and efficiently and they are synergized with each others work.

Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw

The four dimensions of self-renewal: Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Social/Emotional

What this means is that there are several aspects in which one must work upon in their life and must master these elements to truly be happy. These four dimensions work on you as a person and will help you improve on communication skills and to better love yourself and your environment which includes those around you. all of these dimensions work together to help you. an example of these would be going to church to help you socially, spiritually, physically, and mentally and they will all find a place where you will be comfortable and build skills to help you in the future.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

How to win friends and influence people

Rule 1: become genuinely interested in other people
1.) "do this and you will be welcome anywhere"
2.) "you can more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get another people interested in you."
3.) "ask questions to other people, questions that they would enjoy answering."

This means that people will become interested in you if you do not do the opposite, you must be willing to like others before others can like you. You must be kind and friendly but most importantly, you must be open so that others may have a chance to get to know you and like you. What Carnegie talks about is having good friends can get you to many places and can also give you more friends to do what others like. An example would be asking the person a couple questions that are satisfying to answer then you build a bond unless you ask them something about yourself then that is not going to get friends.

Rule 2: Smile
1.) "actions peak louder that words, and a smile says "i like you. you make happy. i'm glad to see you"
2.) "you don't feel like smiling? then force yourself to smile."
3.) "it creates happiness in the home, fosters good will in a business, and the countersign (witness or indication) of friends."

What this means is that being happy is a major key. Even if you do not feel happy, just put a smile on your face and pretend so that you make other peoples day and that will come back to you. Smiling in itself will make you happy no matter the mood you are in. Smiling makes you feel good and it brings benefits not only to you but the people who see that smile, it may bring encouragement. An example would be a man smiling and he bring that into the coffee shop to pick up his drink and then the person handing you the drink feels inspired to smile harder than you.

Rule 3: Remember Names
1.) "A mans name is to him the sweetest and most important sound in any language."
2.) "if you don't remember names, you are headed for trouble."

What this means is that a persons name is very valuable and not only to the person but may also be valuable to others. As such a name should be treated with respect and should not be tarnished because a name is not to be taken lightly. To a man a name could be the reason he lives, there is pride in owning a name and some would say its a sense of accomplishment. An example of this would be a viking and vikings take everything they own and have have as a victory and so disrespecting that would be a terrible sin. The importance of this is to remember peoples names because it will take you far in life and it might help you better yourself socially.

Rule 4: Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves
1.) "if you aspire to be a good conversationalist, be an attentive listener."
2.) "remember that the man you are talking to is a hundred times more interested in himself and his wants and his problems that he is in you and your problems.

What this means is that being a good listener is important and useful, because you can make someones day or ruin it. Being a good listener is a skill that can help you do something more efficiently and not have to have others get annoyed and repeat themselves. Listening is a good skill to have and will make others like you as a person and can potentially give you friends in the process and listening can mean the difference of someone being happy and someone being sad.

Rule 6: Make the other person feel important- and do it sincerely 
1.) "The desire to be important is the deepest urge in human nature." (John Dewey)
2.) "Helping people feel important and appreciated works magic."

What this means is that making others feel important is just as important as keeping yourself healthy because that could help someones else's health and may benefit them in life for years to come. Feeling important or needed is a human necessity and is what keeps us from being depressed because we as humans need communication and what better communication than giving someone the pleasure of feeling needed. 

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

i have gotten m act together and have started a new with no fails
i have a good feeling about the next game against south gate
i have become wiser in studies
i am not so lazy as i was in my previous years
i cant wait for the new season of the walking dead
im feeling happy
i love being positive and making others happy
i want to help many more people when i go out and volunteer and make peoples day by letting go of some of their daily load and helping them
i was surprised when my club shut down a multi billion dollar company when they were emitting chemicals into the air and causing harm to the community while they were working illegally

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

"The Six Attitudes of High Achievers"

John R. Noe

  1. Make No Small Plans: what it means to make no small plans is to have very high goals and set yourself up for greater things and not just average. This also means to be an over achiever and not just settle for the minimum, but actually work hard for what you want to accomplish. Noe once said "If we dedicate ourselves over and over again to the goal of climbing one peak to the next...resisting the urge to become discouraged by the task-every one of us can become a high achiever." and what this means is to truly have high standards in life and to never go lower. An example would be a woman that has her parents telling her to at least go to a community college but she knows that her grades are good so she applies to a UC.
  2. Do What They Fear: To do what others fear is to be daring and to not let anyone's fear stop you from your own work. Another definition would be to stand out and to volunteer yourself for greatness and finding a strength in others weaknesses. as Noe once said "The key to all motivation is desire, and the master key to creating desire is responsiveness to the needs, desires, and interests of the people you would lead." what this quote means is that others will follow you and respect you because of the power you had doing something others cant and wont do. An example would be that a man goes in a cave where everyone is afraid to enter and you make it out, you now have respect and power because of the daring situation.

  3. Are Willing to Risk Failure: what it means to risk failure is to make moves to ensure future success but by doing so you know the risks of doing so. Taking the risk anyway is the first step of risking a chance of failure however going for the success and not backing down when hearing or facing a challenge. As Maimonides once said "the risk of a wrong decision is preferable to the terror of indecision" and what this means is to make a decision even if you know there might be a bad effect but still try anyway or you'll regret not making a decision at all. an example would be a man at a donut shop and he sees something he wants but he doesn't want to stop so he keeps running but later he regrets not being able to stop and buy a donut so he should have gotten it instead of not doing anything.
  4. Are Teachable: what it means to be teachable is to let yourself be consumed by knowledge and not laziness. Being teachable means being able to learn and let yourself learn not only your surrounding but necessities as well. Not everyone knows everything so there is a need to learn and to help others learn because if you do not let yourself learn then you stay ignorant and make bad decisions. As Solomon Short said "half of being smart is to know what you are dumb about." and what this means to work on what you do not know and that means you have another domain to explore. An example of being teachable is a person who does not know a certain topic on the assignment and he is willing to ask for help so that he may learn the subject and master it.
  5. Have Heart: to have heart one must first be able to give themselves up for a good cause and to let yourself be consumed by good. to have heart you must be willing to do the impossible and to believe that there still is a chance for change, no matter the situation. having heart is a way to stay positive and be willing to tell the truth always even if the consequences are not good. as Leonardo da Vinci once said "Tears come from the heart and not the brain." what this means is that emotions are heart and not the mind so many things are accomplished with heart. An example of having heart is a man telling his whole family the truth instead of letting them find out that he had done something bad.
Final Reflection: What i think of the 6 ways to become a high achiever is that this really does prepare you psychologically and will help find new ways to achieve greatness. I will commit to doing all of these 6 attitudes by creating a plan not small at all for my future, having courage to face my fears and step up from everyone to do a task, prepare for whatever may come my way, go do what i need to regardless of what i think the outcome will be, willing to let myself be taught, and have a heart that is willing to accept any challenge.

Friday, August 19, 2016

9 Ways to be Happy and make something of your life 

Gordon B. Hinckley

  1. BE GRATEFUL: being grateful means to always be appreciative for everything you have and ever will have. not everything in life can be acquired but those things that can we have to thing of how lucky we are to have obtained those. not everyone is as fortunate so we must be thankful that we have the resources and capabilities to help us achieve great things in our lives. an example would be a man that has the money to eat and him seeing a man that cant, he appreciates the fact that he can eat more than if he didn't see the man that cant eat, and so he gives him something in order for that man to appreciate life. The cycle continues until everyone learns to appreciate life and everything that comes with it. As Hinckley once said “Be grateful, be smart, be clean, be true, be humble, be prayerful.” which are a reminder that there are many ways to better ones self and being grateful is one of them.

  2. BE SMART: to be smart one must educate themselves and never give up trying to become smart. Being smart is what you made of yourself, its all the hard work that you have endured through the past years that make you a knowledgeable person. There are many ways to become smart and one of them being to read books, reading books help you find words you've never seen before and so you learn the definition of that word to understand and continue your reading. being smart means knowing whats right from wrong and being able to come back from mistakes and learning from. An example of being smart is a man in a situation where a man has to make a decision where he could go to work on time or go to his friends house and so he does the smart thing and goes to work on time. Ways i can become smart is to study, read books, and to learn two new words a day.

  3. BE INVOLVED IN GOOD WORKS: to be involved in good works means to do good in everything you do. in other words be a part of your community and help it, it doesn't necessarily have to be a part of your environment but do something to help anything and/or anyone. As Hinckley once said "you cant plow a field just by turning it over in your mind"  and this reminds me that it takes work to do and be good and accomplish things . an example would be going to a beach cleanup and picking up trash, your working but you're working good.
  4. BE CLEAN: to be clean means to take care of yourself not just physically but mentally as well. being clean you must not use violence, you must not think wrongly, and you must certainly not do wrong. to be clean one must cleanse themselves from any wrong doings and that could mean going to church or fixing your mistakes by volunteering. As Hinckley once said "without hard work, nothing grows but weeds" and this means if you do not do anything you will only grow what you wish to keep away and so you must ensure that those never grow by staying clean and do not do anything that might taint that reputation. An example would be a man who has been in prison for stealing and he knows that the stain is on his reputation so he goes to the same store and apologizes and helps the store so that the satin may be removed.
  5. BE TRUE: to be true is to be honest along with being you and being yourself is the most important thing of all. If you aren't yourself then you cant help others because what you are isn't true. it is imperative that you remain honest and yourself, it helps build self esteem and may also help psychologically. to be true is to also to uphold oneself and meet your own standards before getting to anyone you love or care about. as Hinckley once said " mediocrity will never do, you are capable of something better." and this really comes out as a great quote because if you aren't your true self you may never know what is destined for you. An example would be a man that loves being weird and does not care that he is being made fun of because he knows he is destined for great things.
  6. BE POSITIVE: to be positive one must first think positive and stay that way until progress is shown. the key to being positive is to do good and not only for yourself but for others too as well as your community. positivity is goodness and to harness it there are many different ways to do so and one of them being to not do any bad. doing bad is the opposite of being positive because it takes good deeds and a good attitude to do good and be positive. to me being positive is to shun negative and totally disregard all bad things from my life. i believe that Hinckley was a positive person for he said "Life is to be, enjoyed not endured" and this really gives a good vibe about how to not only think positive but to actually do things in a positive manner. An example of being positive is to see someone on the street that cant eat and tell him you aren't done yet and give him money for food.
  7. BE HUMBLE: To be humble one must not think highly of him/herself, they must be willing to give that title to someone of greater value. being humble is to give power to someone else and having the strength to admit that they are not worthy of such a title. another way to be humble is to honor someone with a title you think is fit for there accomplishments and give them a title above your own. the opposite of being humble is to be proud and keep the title instead of giving it to someone else. As Hinckley once said "you can be smart and happy or stupid and miserable... its your choice" and this really means that you can be the way you want and you can be humble and smart or stupid and keep the glory for yourself. an example of being humble is if you go and play basketball with someone and they are better you give them the title above your own and you honor them with is by stepping down.
  8. BE STILL: To be still is to stay where you are and to not be ahead of anyone, because it feels good to be at the same level as someone else. It also means to be vulnerable and to let others be ahead and to show humility. one way to be still is to not move ahead and let others take the lead, not to take the spotlight. As Hinckley once said "If life gets too hard to stand, kneel" and this means to let others with more experience take it but not let yourself take on a huge responsibility someone can do better. An example would be a man wanting to do a job but not having the skills necessary he lets someone more capable do the job and step down.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016