Friday, August 19, 2016

9 Ways to be Happy and make something of your life 

Gordon B. Hinckley

  1. BE GRATEFUL: being grateful means to always be appreciative for everything you have and ever will have. not everything in life can be acquired but those things that can we have to thing of how lucky we are to have obtained those. not everyone is as fortunate so we must be thankful that we have the resources and capabilities to help us achieve great things in our lives. an example would be a man that has the money to eat and him seeing a man that cant, he appreciates the fact that he can eat more than if he didn't see the man that cant eat, and so he gives him something in order for that man to appreciate life. The cycle continues until everyone learns to appreciate life and everything that comes with it. As Hinckley once said “Be grateful, be smart, be clean, be true, be humble, be prayerful.” which are a reminder that there are many ways to better ones self and being grateful is one of them.

  2. BE SMART: to be smart one must educate themselves and never give up trying to become smart. Being smart is what you made of yourself, its all the hard work that you have endured through the past years that make you a knowledgeable person. There are many ways to become smart and one of them being to read books, reading books help you find words you've never seen before and so you learn the definition of that word to understand and continue your reading. being smart means knowing whats right from wrong and being able to come back from mistakes and learning from. An example of being smart is a man in a situation where a man has to make a decision where he could go to work on time or go to his friends house and so he does the smart thing and goes to work on time. Ways i can become smart is to study, read books, and to learn two new words a day.

  3. BE INVOLVED IN GOOD WORKS: to be involved in good works means to do good in everything you do. in other words be a part of your community and help it, it doesn't necessarily have to be a part of your environment but do something to help anything and/or anyone. As Hinckley once said "you cant plow a field just by turning it over in your mind"  and this reminds me that it takes work to do and be good and accomplish things . an example would be going to a beach cleanup and picking up trash, your working but you're working good.
  4. BE CLEAN: to be clean means to take care of yourself not just physically but mentally as well. being clean you must not use violence, you must not think wrongly, and you must certainly not do wrong. to be clean one must cleanse themselves from any wrong doings and that could mean going to church or fixing your mistakes by volunteering. As Hinckley once said "without hard work, nothing grows but weeds" and this means if you do not do anything you will only grow what you wish to keep away and so you must ensure that those never grow by staying clean and do not do anything that might taint that reputation. An example would be a man who has been in prison for stealing and he knows that the stain is on his reputation so he goes to the same store and apologizes and helps the store so that the satin may be removed.
  5. BE TRUE: to be true is to be honest along with being you and being yourself is the most important thing of all. If you aren't yourself then you cant help others because what you are isn't true. it is imperative that you remain honest and yourself, it helps build self esteem and may also help psychologically. to be true is to also to uphold oneself and meet your own standards before getting to anyone you love or care about. as Hinckley once said " mediocrity will never do, you are capable of something better." and this really comes out as a great quote because if you aren't your true self you may never know what is destined for you. An example would be a man that loves being weird and does not care that he is being made fun of because he knows he is destined for great things.
  6. BE POSITIVE: to be positive one must first think positive and stay that way until progress is shown. the key to being positive is to do good and not only for yourself but for others too as well as your community. positivity is goodness and to harness it there are many different ways to do so and one of them being to not do any bad. doing bad is the opposite of being positive because it takes good deeds and a good attitude to do good and be positive. to me being positive is to shun negative and totally disregard all bad things from my life. i believe that Hinckley was a positive person for he said "Life is to be, enjoyed not endured" and this really gives a good vibe about how to not only think positive but to actually do things in a positive manner. An example of being positive is to see someone on the street that cant eat and tell him you aren't done yet and give him money for food.
  7. BE HUMBLE: To be humble one must not think highly of him/herself, they must be willing to give that title to someone of greater value. being humble is to give power to someone else and having the strength to admit that they are not worthy of such a title. another way to be humble is to honor someone with a title you think is fit for there accomplishments and give them a title above your own. the opposite of being humble is to be proud and keep the title instead of giving it to someone else. As Hinckley once said "you can be smart and happy or stupid and miserable... its your choice" and this really means that you can be the way you want and you can be humble and smart or stupid and keep the glory for yourself. an example of being humble is if you go and play basketball with someone and they are better you give them the title above your own and you honor them with is by stepping down.
  8. BE STILL: To be still is to stay where you are and to not be ahead of anyone, because it feels good to be at the same level as someone else. It also means to be vulnerable and to let others be ahead and to show humility. one way to be still is to not move ahead and let others take the lead, not to take the spotlight. As Hinckley once said "If life gets too hard to stand, kneel" and this means to let others with more experience take it but not let yourself take on a huge responsibility someone can do better. An example would be a man wanting to do a job but not having the skills necessary he lets someone more capable do the job and step down.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016